Thank you for being a part of HFC! Your contribution to our kids and your community is greatly appreciated! The effort that you all put in is what makes a great experience for everyone involved. Enjoy and have fun!
We are going to use this page as a mobile tool to deliver content and processes to help everyone manage the season. It will allow us to work together to keep everyone updated with timely information. We all want to use our fields and time better to create the best experience! The goal is to accomplish this and then have fun playing soccer! This page is in addition to and not a substitute for the Team Manager and Coaches Corner page.
OJ HFC Role REC. U9. U10-Click
Recreational Coaches Information-Click
VETS FIELD STATUS-Click. Please click the link to if you have any questions about our field status.
In-Process- VETS Field Map-Click. It is anticipated that the City of Hastings is going to do some maintenance to our fields this fall. Please check out the new field layout for Sping 2025.
Summer Season 2025 Snapshot-Click. Important Dates! Around March 17th reschedule period begins. March 24th Arena training starts. April 1st. Reschedule period ends. April 28th season may start.
Initial Season Training Request-Click. Use this link to submit training preferences for the upcoming season.
Closed-- VETS Field TCSL Game and Training Schedule-Click. This is a live calendar that will automatically update when we make changes on the back end per approved requests. The calendar includes training sessions and our TCSL game schedule when posted.
Closed--Todd Field Game Schedule-LIVE Click. If you would like to schedule a Todd Field game please review the link and click on tab "Todd Games" then submit a change request.
Closed-- TCSL Official Game Schedule-Click. TCSL posted game schedule for HFC United Club.
Open-- Change Request TCSL Home Game and Training Schedule Form-Click. For the unintended changes that occur. Use this form to initiate and submit TCSL Home Game reschedule changes and Training Session change requests. It will be routed to the appropriate people to ensure the request is handled properly. We will then follow up with you and the other team(s) to coordinate a resolution and/or the opportunity to secure additional training sessions. We have a fluid timeline and multiple people that will then be able to handle it. We all live busy lives and this will allow us to track, collaborate and react to your request with a resolution. We want to use our field resources efficiently and effectively. This is not the TCSL GOTSPORT game reschedule process that is part of the Team Manager Guide. This is our internal rescheduling message request. ***For a TCSL change request please have your GAME # in case we have to look it up on our end.
Open-- Winter Training Schedule-LIVE Click. This is a live spreadsheet that will automatically update when we make changes on the back end per approved requests. To make a request please click this link and select ADD TRAINING. We will work to accommodate your requests. Work together and go play soccer!
Open-- Arena Indoor and Todd Field Training Sessions Schedule-LIVE Click. Summer season only. We will try our best to accommodate team wishes and primary days while affording us the flexibility to "return" blocks of unused times. If you see any errors or need to make an adjustment or additions please submit a Change Request-Click. Todd Field is still in process.
Training Sessions- We believe in the model of training together and coming together to build better players and teams! We understand that the information can be daunting, however, please review. Then when you need to put it into action communicate with Westley and he will break it down! Click the links below. We are working on cleaning up these items and giving them context.
Coaches Training Session Sign up-Click
HFC U9-U10 US Soccer Session Plans
HFC U11-U12 US Soccer Session Plans
HFC U13+ US Soccer Session Plans
Coaches and Team Managers Contacts- To be delivered.